The vast majority of Schools of Optometry in Canada and the United States require students to complete a 3 or 4 year B.Sc. Degree before being considered for acceptance into the program.
For a complete list of all the required and recommended courses, go to and look under the student advisor section. Although each School of Optometry has their own specific list of required and recommended courses, the basic list of required courses include General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Statistics, English, Philosophy, Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology and Psychology. In addition, courses in Genetics, Histology, Pharmacology, Computing Science and Communication are highly recommended.
The above noted website also includes a class profile (number of students applying, male-to-female ratio, required entrance marks, extra pre-requisites, etc.) for the past two entrance classes for all Schools of Optometry in North America.
Prospective applicants are rated on their University grade point average, performance on the Optometry Admissions Test (OAT), extra-curricular and community activities, a personal interview and letters of reference.
We recommend that you contact the School(s) of Optometry individually to obtain their application package.